Friday 13 March 2009

aic vs lic ...(rizjected story)

i woke in the middle of the night and saw conteh by my side ...sorry wrong story...alright i woke up at 5  for subuh..and i took a shower and things that u guys shouldn't noe what i did  after taking  a shower.After tht,i went to skool and went to class and saw alfin with his funny hair cut...ahhaaha...sorri alfin...anyway...then later on i saw hadi and hakim walked in to the class we boarded the bus to somewhere in kewdale,so we arrived there we did some warm up and some kicking ...well we got pissed off at the AIC because for coming late....and we thought that they chickened out  but they came in their small bus .When they arrived,ismail and samir (gay cunts)hugged them ...i swear it was so embarrassing ,soon the match starts ,i was nervous about the match after seeing Arfan...i didn't do anything good in the match except for pretending to be hurt ...yea thats all u got to know people ...for more details got to hadi's blog AIC vs LIC


  1. hehe.. yeh.. funny haricut..

    comment by Flippy

  2. man u missed all the good parts....
    like when AIC scored the goals

  3. welll...thres a better part of it..muhammad cant save goals hhahahaha

  4. uhh
    check out the score
    tell me..wat was the score
    huh..wat was the score Rizq??
